Why you need a video

I am going to boldly say this- if you have any type of business, whether you provide a service or offer products, whether you are a small business or a large corporation, you NEED video marketing.

“Every type of business needs video marketing.”

People can’t get enough of videos. Five billion videos a day were watched on YouTube in 2019. Let me say that number again- one billion. Not in a month, not in a year, but in ONE day!

Now the type of video that you create will be based on your marketing strategy and the whole reason for the video.

Do you want to inform customers about your product? Show people how to use it?

Tell potential customers why you are better than the competitor.

Tell your brand story to help you better connect with your fans.

There are many different ways you can use video to help with your marketing. 

Videos engage and entertain us. Videos are easier to watch than reading a bunch of words about your product or service.

Most of us are visual learners and we would rather see how to use something than read a manual. In fact, 4x more buyers prefer to watch videos about a product than read about it.

Videos persuade customers to buy! Fifty percent of consumers look up a product on the internet before they purchase it.

Videos help make buying decisions according to 90% of customers. If you even mention the word “video” in an email subject line, then you increase your chances of that email being opened by 19%.

Search engines love videos, too. If you are using the right keywords, meta descriptions, and have a good title, then search engines will view your video as high-quality content and that boosts your SEO!

Here’s some quick facts for you about the importance of video marketing from Wyzowl:

92% of marketers using video say it’s an important part of their marketing strategy.

89% of video marketers report video gives them a positive ROI.

87% of video marketers say videos has increased traffic to their site.

81% of video marketers say it has increased the average time viewers spent on their page.

95% of video marketers say videos have increased user understanding of their product.

96% of people have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.

Bottom line: Video marketing is crucial to your business. It is the easiest and most entertaining way to sell your product or service, tell your brand story, and engage your target audience. 

Still not convinced, then read this.

Now that you know you need a video; you’re going to need a script.

Why do you need a script?

Sure, anyone can pick up their iPhone and start recording a video. Why even bother with writing a script?

A script is the foundation of the video. 


It helps you plan out what you want to say. I didn’t just sit down and start writing this article. I thought about what I wanted to say and what were the important points to include. I made notes and used those notes as a guide. Your script acts in the same way. It keeps you on track.

It provides you with a concise, scripted message. 

This is extremely helpful for two reasons.

  1. It prevents you from stumbling over your words, mumbling on for too long about your product or service, and it makes you sound professional and to the point.
  1. It helps to manage the length of your video. If you base your script on reading about 125-150 words a minute, then you will be able to estimate how long your video will be. Two minutes is the goal. People just don’t have the attention span for much longer these days.

Trust me, you don’t want a video that makes no sense, goes on for too long, or seems incoherent. 

A script solves all those problems.

Plus, you have the added benefit of planning out the voiceover content with the actions on the screen. Knowing what you are going to say and what is going to be happening on screen is invaluable. This helps you envision what the end result will look like and helps to ensure that it supports your brand.

Every type of business needs video marketing.

Now that I have convinced you that video marketing is vital to your business-what’s next?

Check out my blog post 12 Steps to Writing a Script and Why Anyone Can Shoot a Script.

People are way more creative than they think. Have a go at writing your own script. There are tons of online resources that will help you.

Don’t have the time the learn scriptwriting, then let’s talk. I’m always willing to help.