When I started out working in television the iPhone and Android phones were not invented yet. Everyone had basic cellphones that only allowed you to make calls and send text messages.

At that time, when you wanted to create a marketing video for your company you had to pay for a professional camera crew, craft services, actors, location fees, and permits. If it was a commercial, then you had to pay thousands of dollars for network airtime in addition to the cost to make the video.

“You have the ability to shoot a quality video from the cellphone in your pocket.”

A few years ago, I was told by a marketing executive that it cost about $10,000 to run a 30-second commercial on basic cable in my area. This price seems ridiculous to me if you are a small business. And even more ludicrous when you have the ability to shoot a quality video from the cellphone in your pocket.

Between the internet, editing software, inexpensive equipment from Amazon, and a good script, you can shoot your own marketing video and share it with the world for free using your own website, social media, and Youtube.

You no longer need expensive equipment or professionals.

In my blog post Why You Need a Video and Script, I said that “most of us are visual learners and we would rather see how to use something than read a manual.”

Sticking with that logic, here is a video from Justin Brown of Primal Video explaining how to use your iPhone to create videos.

As you will see, he creates a quality video using an iPhone 7 and a few inexpensive pieces of equipment.


His Youtube channel has a lot of great, useful content about creating videos. He covers topics ranging from video editing apps, how to start a Youtube channel, how to live stream with a video camera, and so much more. His content can definitely help you with your video projects.

What’s next? Create a script. Trust me, unless you are really experienced at being in front of the camera, you need a script to keep you on track. You’re going for a concise, logical, and coherent script that relays your key messages in a short amount of time.

Need help? Check out my blog post 1Steps to Writing a Script.

Follow me on social media for more inspiration.