You are ready to take on video marketing. Yay! I’m excited for you. This will be a great addition to your current marketing strategy.

“Do you need help getting started?”

Check out my list of the best websites that will help you get started with video marketing. I have covered all the basics that you will need to create quality videos with affordable options.


Many people use their smartphones to record their videos and they turn out fine. If you are looking to upgrade from your smartphone then check out these websites on the best cameras to use for video.

DP Review

Digital Camera World

Wit and Folly


You are going to need lights during your video shoot. Here are some great lighting kit options.

Biteable also tells you the proper ways to set up your lights in various settings.

B&H Photo

Film Daft


These websites will provide you with a list of microphones that will be useful during your shoot. Trust me, you do not want to have to add voice-overs in editing because the camera did not pick up all of the sounds.

Digital Camera World

Mic Reviews

Justin Brown


Choosing a background for your video is especially important. You want to make sure it looks professional, with no distractions, and compliments you and your brand.


DIY Home Video Studio  Gary takes it a step further and also discusses how to choose a color for your background, how to look thinner, and what to wear.

Savage Universal  SU shows you how to create a simple paper background.

Amazon has a ton of backdrops with plenty of colors, materials, and sizes to choose from.

Best Tripods

To make sure the camera stays still during your shoot you will need to have a tripod.

B&H Photo

Digital Camera World

Best Gimbals

If you plan on walking around with your smartphone recording videos, then a gimbal is a worthy investment.

Digital Camera World


Editing Software

You will need editing software so that you can make edits, add captions, add music, titles, and text. There are some good free options. Check out these reviews:

Tech Radar

Influencer Marketing Hub


How to Set Up Your Studio

You know all the equipment you will need to start creating your professional, branded videos. Now you are going to have to know how to set it all up. These websites do a great job of showing you how to set up your studio.


Brid TV

Social Media Examiner

Writing a Script

It is always a good idea to have a script before you start shooting a video. You want your videos to sound professional and have a clear, concise message. To avoid wasting time and having lots of unusable footage, writing a script beforehand is the best practice.

Read 12 Steps to Writing a Script and Why You Need a Video Script to help you get your script started today.

Need More Confidence

Maybe you are not confident that you have the ability to shoot your own videos. That’s ok. We all have doubts about things that are new to us. Read Why Anyone Can Shoot a Video to help you see that you can do this!

Are you nervous about being on camera? Here are some tips on How to Feel More Comfortable in Front of the Camera.

Bottom Line:

You can do this! Take it one step at a time. Figure out what you need, acquire the equipment, learn how to use the equipment, write your script, and start shooting your video today!

I want to see what awesome videos you have made, so share with me on my Facebook account.