Would you believe me if I said there was a way to increase your mood, improve your immune system, delay cognitive decline, and restore the emotional balance that was not a medication?

“I have to admit that after every crafting session – no matter what the activity- I feel calmer.”

This may seem too good to be true. Studies have shown that being creative contributes to all of these things and more.

Here are some benefits of being creative:

Stress Relief

Creating puts you in a state of flow, which is a state of being absorbed in an activity. You know when you sit down and do an activity and the next thing you know it’s dinner time. That’s flow. Flow helps us focus our thoughts, calming us, and helping our brains to release more dopamine.

It has been proven that creative engagement reduces stress and anxiety, as well as, depression and isolation. It calms the neural activity in the brain and restores emotional balance.

Everyday creativity helps to increase your mood, is associated with higher levels of positive affect (PA), and cultivates positive psychological functioning.

I have to admit that after every crafting session – no matter what the activity- I feel calmer. My creative brain takes over and all that matters is the project right in front of me and for that amount of time I have no other concerns.

It isn’t limited to just painting or drawing. Any type of creating has an impact. Dancing and repetitive movements are said to lower stress levels. Music therapy can also decrease anxiety.

One study showed that 85% of people felt less stress after performing a creative activity.

So, if you are stressed out, find something creative to do and get happy.

Delays cognitive decline

Creativity delays cognitive decline because it keeps the neurons engaged which protects them from dying. Ever learn to play music? Playing a musical instrument increases the connectivity between two brain hemispheres. This helps the different areas of our brain to communicate with each other.

New ideas and Problem-solving

Creating breeds new ideas. When you create you learn to think in new ways which can help you in various areas of your life- everything from business to your child’s birthday party. The more you are creating the easier the ideas will flow.

Problem-solving in the creative arts is a must. There have been numerous times I have been in the middle of a project, only to find out that what I had originally planned wasn’t going to work out as I had expected. Being able to think on my feet and problem solve has been an added benefit of spending my time creating. Those problem-solving skills have transferred over into my work life helping me in numerous ways over the years.

 Pride and Confidence

Remember back to elementary school when you would come home with an art project, present it to your parents, and they couldn’t figure out what it was, but you were still proud as hell of it. Well, that is what creating does. When we take an idea and see it through to a finished product, good or not, we become proud of ourselves. Creating for others can give us a sense of pride, too. Giving homemade gifts gives us a sense of pride. It’s a piece of us. It doesn’t matter what it is- cookies, a painting, a bracelet, or a card. It’s something we created especially for the other person.

We don’t just experience pride by creating for others, we also gain confidence. The more you practice your craft, the better you get, the more confidence you will build. You will start to realize that confidence from creating will spill over into your personal life.

Self- Expression

Art can be anything you want it to be. Whether you paint, knit, or make yard sculptures, it is all a way to express yourself. Creating is a controlled outlet of your self-expression. Think about your life. Maybe you have a spouse, kids, a full-time job, and a predictable daily schedule.  Now throw in art. A chance for you to create for you. You’re in control to express yourself how YOU want. You pick the colors, materials, and design. Paint in bright colors, or dark. Add glitter or don’t. Make one or ten. Sell it, keep it, throw it out. Who cares? It’s your creation.

Immune System and Health

Expressive writing and music boost your immune system. Writing about your anger can help alleviate chronic pain.

Writing about your trauma or grief can improve your overall physical health, improve immune system functioning, and even reduce doctor visits. After you immediately finish writing about the trauma you may exhibit negative emotions since you are rehashing an emotional event, but long-term studies on the effects of writing are helpful.

New research is always being conducted and who knows what new benefits they will discover the positive effects of creativity. Regardless of new discoveries, we do know right now that being creative is beneficial in many ways.

The good thing is that there are many ways that you can mix it into your daily life. Read 20 Ways to Be Creative to find out how and get started today!