Since most of America is experiencing freezing weather, I figured I would take a moment to acknowledge why winter sucks.

“It takes way more effort to be happy and positive in the wintertime.”

There are positives like preventing bugs from getting too big, limiting tick and insect populations, but other than that I don’t really see the use for it. Sure, the snow is nice once or twice a season, but after the first day, it becomes a mushy, dirty, muddy mess often preventing or making travel a nightmare for days.

Here’s my 10 reasons I can’t wait for spring:

  1. It’s freezing!

I hate the cold. The lower temperatures make it extremely unpleasant to go outside at any time of day.  I’m that person who is always complaining about being cold, even in the house. Then there are the cold bathroom floors, freezing toilet seats, and the need to wear extra layers and it creates a miserable three months.

  1. I miss sunny days.

Yes, the sun shines in the winter, but a lot of days are overcast and quite dreary.

  1. Stuck indoors most days.

Who wants to do anything outside when it is freezing cold? Most days are spent inside in the warmth of the house.

  1. The days are a lot shorter.

OMG! I can’t deal with the sun setting at 4:00! Give me those warm summer nights where the sun doesn’t set until after 8:00 pm.

  1. I’m not as happy.

I have never been diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), but I do notice that I am not as happy as I am during the warmer months. I am positive throughout the year, but I definitely realize that it takes way more effort to be happy and positive in the wintertime.

  1. Too much clothing.

I’m always cold as it is so in the winter, I have to wear many layers of clothes. I start with a tank top, long sleeve t-shirt, a sweatshirt (sometimes 2 sweatshirts at a time), and thick sweatpants. I would prefer sundresses and flip-flops, year-round.

  1. Extra Laundry.

With all those extra layers, comes extra loads of laundry. Since the sweatshirts and sweatpants take up the extra room I can’t squeeze as much in as I would like to. In the summer I can do a week’s worth of clothes in one load. Now I’m doing 3 loads a week and it keeps on piling up.

  1. The wind chill makes it even colder.

I often find myself checking my weather and saying to myself, “38 degrees isn’t so bad.” Then I scroll down to find out with the wind chill it actually feels like 25. Come on!

  1. Vitamin D Deficiency.

Being stuck indoors with limited access to the sun lends itself to developing a Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D helps keep your muscles, bones, and teeth healthy. Take your vitamins!

  1. Three months is a long time.

Summer seems to be gone in a snap and fall is a nice respite from the extreme August heat. Once wintertime hits it seems to slow down drastically, and I find myself counting the days until spring. What a relief it is once the temperature starts to get about 60 and the sun starts making a daily appearance again.

Maybe you read this because you hate winter, too! Comment below on what you do to make it through the long, cold winter.