Creating buzz and awareness around your brand can be done in an affordable and effective way.

“Do what feels right for your brand.”

Here is my brain dump of simple and inexpensive ways you can market your business.

  1. Create Videos that are easily made with a cellphone. Lots of types of videos to choose from. Check out this article by One Market Media to help you decide.
  2. Share videos on social media, Youtube, and your website.
  3. Engage your followers by responding to comments.
  4. Gain exposure to a larger audience by commenting on big brands and personalities that are relevant to your niche.
  5. Start your own Facebook group.
  6. Create great content. Make it useful for customers. Post how-to’s, business advice, behind the scenes, your process, entertaining insights, anything that your target audience would be interested in seeing.
  7. Create a hashtag for your social media posts.
  8. Create a Youtube video series.
  9. Livestream so your followers and potential new customers can ask questions and learn about your product or company.
  10. Infographics- post information about your business or niche. It’s a format that is easy to read and easy to share.
  11. Post before and after shots of your products in use or how it changed someone’s life.
  12. Start a podcast. Share your knowledge with your viewers.
  13. Share a free tutorial.
  14. Write and create great content for your website.
  15. Develop your About page to make it more personal so customers can get to know you.
  16. Write a blog for your website that provides helpful and useful content for your customers.
  17. Guest post for other websites that are in your niche.
  18. Give a free webinar.
  19. Publish an ebook. It is an affordable option that will help to establish you as an expert in your field.
  20. Advertise. Purchasing Facebook Ads and Google Pay-Per-Click ads are a more affordable option to traditional commercials. Don’t forget to register with Google My Business.
  21. Start networking by attending events, being a part of community activities, and building relationships with people any way you can.
  22. Market all the time, wherever you go. Be sure to have a pitch prepared. You’re not selling, you’re building brand awareness by telling people what you do in a short, concise statement.
  23. Try public speaking. Yikes! With a great speech at an appropriate venue, public speaking can establish you as an expert in your field.
  24. Attend conference or trade show. Meet others in your field. Get inspired! Learn something new. Extend your network. Spread the word about your brand.
  25. Join a professional organization. Similar to attending a conference, it will give you the opportunity to meet others in your field and extend your network.
  26. Sponsor a team. Track down a little league team that needs new jerseys and offer to pay for them as long as they put your logo on them.
  27. Donate company-branded items to a fundraiser.
  28. Organize a fundraiser or charity event.
  29. Host an event or a class.
  30. Launch a new product. Email blast customers, post on social media, offer a giveaway of the new product, whatever it takes to bring awareness to your company.
  31. Work with another business that will complement your business. The two of you could cross-promote each other.
  32. Contact the news. Yes, you can do that. Let them know about something exciting you have going on or something you are doing to help the community.
  33. Sign up for Help a Reporter Out (HARO) and you might be interviewed by a media outlet.
  34. Apply for awards. Nominate yourself and if you win you can post about it and list the award on your website.
  35. Encourage reviews from your customers and post them on social media and your website.
  36. Offer coupons, discounts, and sales.
  37. Create a Frequent buyer reward program.
  38. Start a Customer Referral Program.
  39. Give out free samples.
  40. Contests and Giveaways are great ways to spread awareness and boost followers. Be sure to follow the rules of the social media platform that you are using when conducting a contest or giveaway.
  41. Holiday promotions will help drive sales.
  42. Email campaigns and e-newsletters filled with helpful and useful information.
  43. Offer free downloads to get email addresses from potential customers.
  44. Original marketing materials such as business cards and brochures can create awareness.
  45. Direct mail. Send out flyers with a discount or special offer.
  46. Put stickers or magnets with your company logo on your car.
  47. Guerilla marketing is a creative and unique way to get your brand recognized. Think flash mobs and publicity stunts. Be careful with this one. Make sure whatever you decide to do, you aren’t violating any laws.

Remember whatever you do:

Keep your branding consistent.

Not everything on this list will be in your comfort zone or the right marketing strategy for your business. Do what feels right for your brand. Good luck.

Follow me on social media for further inspiration.