If you read my blog post Benefits of Being Creative,  you know how beneficial creating art can be. You may be asking yourself, where do I start?

“Humans are amazingly creative.”

If you read my blog post Benefits of Being Creative,  you know how beneficial creating art can be. You may be asking yourself, where do I start?

Below is a list of things you can do to be creative.

But first, for all those that are saying, “I’m not creative,” let me stop you right there.

The theory of cognition states that being creative is the basis of life. The basis of life! I wholeheartedly agree. In another post, I say art is not an option for me. Creating is essential to my wellbeing. It’s my stress relief and a way to express my feelings. I honestly believe that we are all creative. You just need to develop it.

Historically speaking, we’ve always been creative: think cave paintings or dancing, stories, and crafts that have been passed down from one generation to the next.

Humans are amazingly creative. I witnessed this when I attended an American Craft Council Show. There were artists at the show that were using materials in such unique ways to create art proving that imagination is limitless.

Some might say they don’t have time to do any art. I understand that we are a society that overworks and overschedules ourselves, but making time for art can be as simple as adjusting your schedule slightly and looking for opportunities throughout your day that you could squeeze it in. It could be when traveling, either on a plane or as a passenger on a road trip, you could write, knit, or draw. It could be during impromptu moments in the day and doesn’t have to be a set time every day.

We make time for what is important to us. Reaping the benefits of creativity takes time and consistency. Carve out time in your day or week to make it a priority. Put it on your schedule and follow through.

Being creative can look like many different things. It can be writing or painting, but also woodworking, party planning, or interior design. Anything that requires creativity. So, yeah you may not be able to paint like Bob Ross, but there is some area of your life that will spark your creativity.

Here are some ideas to inspire you to start creating:

  1. Free write

It could be about a life experience, thoughts in your head, something stressful, or a fictional piece. It doesn’t matter. Just start writing.

  1. Hobby from the past

Remember when you used to [insert hobby here]. Start doing that again.

  1. New hobby

Is there something that you have always wanted to do? Try something new. Go for it!

  1. Take a Class

Learning a new creative outlet can be frustrating but having some guidance can help. Find a class at a local community college, craft store, or community center. You’ll learn a new craft and meets new friends. If you are more introverted, then take an online class. YouTube is always a great option for free instruction and inspiration.

  1. Music

Play an instrument. Maybe you used to play in high school or maybe you just always wanted to learn how to play. Whatever your situation- start playing!

  1. Photography

You don’t have to be an expert with the best equipment. Your cellphone camera will do. Document your life. Challenge yourself to take a photo a day. Go for a walk and take pictures of things that interest you.

  1. Go to a museum

Get inspiration! Go walk around a museum or gallery and let the work inspire you to go home and create your own masterpiece.

  1. Go to a craft store

Walkthrough the aisles and see what’s available.  Find something you want to make. There are lots of premade kits that make it easy for beginners to get started. This is a good place to start if you are new to being creative.

  1. Drawing

All you need is paper and a pencil. You can upgrade to colored pencils and markers whenever you want. The great thing about drawing is you can draw and doodle anywhere. Yes, even in that boring meeting! Just act like you a furiously taking notes, all while you are drawing your dog sniffing a flower.

  1. Journaling

Keep a notebook and write anything in it. Similar to free write, but this is an ongoing daily written experience. It could be your thoughts, daily events, a short story. You could write about life experiences that are causing you anger or grief. Write about your future goals. Write about things that inspire you. The possibilities are endless.

  1. Coloring books

Remember when these were super popular a few years ago. You can buy these inexpensively online and in stores. This is a good travel option. Stash a book and colored pencils in your purse, travel bag, or keep them in a desk drawer at work. The task is easy to do,  is not very time consuming (color for 5 or 50 minutes), and doesn’t require a lot of set-up or clean up.

  1. Clay

Create all types of things using Fimo or Sculpey clay. I like creating fun character figures and ring dishes. It is inexpensive, comes in all kinds of colors, and requires a short time in the oven.

  1. Woodworking

When I think woodworking, I think of someone making furniture that requires a lot of big tools. Woodworking can also be refurbishing furniture. And don’t forget all those wood shapes and ready-to-paint wooden objects at the craft store. Don’t forget woodburning. You can purchase complete kits and create your own beautiful wood creations.

  1. Sewing

Learn how to make something with fabric. Investing in a decent sewing machine would be a good idea. There are tons of online resources, patterns, and classes on how to sew.

  1. Knitting

This activity requires only a few supplies- yarn and needles (or crochet hooks if you are crocheting). It can be done just about anywhere. I’ve done it on a plane, in a car, in front of the tv. I’ve actually had a colleague who would do it during meetings, but I don’t advise this unless your boss is really cool.

  1. Painting

Some options to choose from are acrylic, oil, and watercolor. Acrylic is water-based and easy to use and clean up. Using oil paints requires a little more time in cleaning up because you need to use paint thinner to clean the brushes.  Watercolor is an easy medium to use. You can also get cute little travel kits that allow you to do watercolor everywhere.

  1. Jewelry

There are so many options to choose from when it comes to making jewelry. Check your local craft store and online. Don’t forget about yard sales. You can find some really great vintage pieces that you can repurpose into your own beautiful creation.

  1. Mixed media

There are no rules when it comes to mixed media. Use whatever you want- paint, tape, markers, pencil, stickers, watercolor, texture paste, and even trash. Yes, anything! That’s what I love about it. Just sit and create with the materials that you have available to you.

  1. Scrapbooking

This is a timeless hobby. Print out some of those pictures that you have stored on your phone and create an album. It’s fun to relive moments through pictures and come up with creative ways to document that moment on paper.

  1. Create your own thing

Don’t be bound by my list or any list of creative activities that you may come across. People are creating awesome things out of unusual objects. Think outside of the box and make your own creation. There is no right or wrong when it comes to art.

Start Creating Today

You have learned that we were all born with creativity, you have scheduled time in your week for creativity, and you have picked a creative outlet either from my list above or on your own.

The only thing left is to go buy your supplies to get started. Don’t have money to start a new craft hobby, read my post 12 Ways to Be Creative on a Budget.

Enjoy your new creative adventure.